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Topic:My Favourite  Movie

April 10th 2008

Relevant Words:

actor  actress  movie-star  romantic  historical  mystery神秘的  comedy现实的 science fiction   adventure  action动作片  award  violent暴力的  silly弱的 optimistic乐观的  a sort of一系列  to be honest  background  scenery舞台布景  thrill兴奋

Relevant Sentences:

1.       I prefer something that is sat modern times.

2.       I like movies that let me escape from reality.

3.       I love movies with heroes and heroines,especially movies that are set in another time to present day.

4.       Do you prefer reading fiction book or watching a movie?





Topic: Music

April 17th 2008

Relevant words:

pop  rock  jazz  folk  classical  country  loud  soft  noisy  soothing令人心旷神仪  relaxing  romantic  exciting  stimulate使心奋  composer创造家  singer  melodious悦耳的  rhythmic有节奏的  emotional  musical instrument音乐乐器  guitar  violin

Relevant Sentences:

1.       Do you like /enjoy?

2.       I like… better than any other…?

3.       I’m crazy about…

4.       Which appeals to you more …or…?

5.       What’t your favorite kind of music/pop song/English song/English song?

6.       I find…more to my taste.

7.       I’d  say…is my favorite.

8.       The song…recorded by…is No.1 on the chart this week.




Topic: Chatting on Line

April 24th 2008


Relevant Words:

Virtual  conceal advanced technology  email  crime  interaction  passworld webworn  appointment  spit  click  suck in  on line  set apart  drug abuse  relationship  suicide  be sensitive to 

Relevant Sentences:

1.       How do you behave on line ?

2.       How does virtual life affect your relationship with your friends?

3.       We can get friends all over the world through Internet?

4.       We should make good use of Internet and shouldn’t waste time on chatting with strangers.










Topic : the Choice of Graduation

May 8th 2008

Relevant Words:

major专业  specialty专科   training school专科学校  Master Degree硕士学位  make some achievements  a job with high salary  personal company  joint-venture联合企业  competible协调的

Relevant Sentences:

1.       After graduation, we will face the pressure and challenge to compete with other students.

2.       We should make good use of our knowledge in career.

3.       What do you think is the best way to get a good job?

4.       What kind of job do you want to hunt for?












May 15th 2008

Relevant Words:

community service社区服务  neighborhood  social group  social welfare  voluntary work  care for the young  generation gap代沟  housing shortage房屋短缺  traffic jam交通堵塞  waste disposal  unemployment  crime and punishment  robbery抢劫   drug addiction吸毒瘾

Relevant Sentences:

1.       What do you think of people’s standard of living today ?

2.       Do you think our economy is doing well?

3.       Are you sure it is good idea to issure lottery tickets?

4.       We should respect the elderly and care for the young .

5.       Don’t agree that the government should protect the rights for women and children?

6.       What do you think the social problems?







Topic:The Earthquake

                        May 22th 2008

Relevant Words:

disaster  the Red Cross of China中国红十字会   premonitory当前的   the prediction of earthquake地震的预测   donote money捐款   keep contact with society   current affairs时政   give us a deep impression   value life珍惜生命

Relevant sentences:

1.       A difficult one ,plus assistance.一方有难,八方援手。

2.       The earthquake is a terrible nature disaster.自然灾害

3.       To participate in the rescue and rebuild their homes.

4.       Qualcomm situation in the heart , blood is thicker than water.情通于心,血浓于水。

5.       Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the disaster will stop quickly.让我们共同祈祷灾难赶快停止。



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